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Technology is key to efficient vehicle maintenance

Technology is reshaping the automotive industry. Manufacturers are heavily focused on building the vehicle of the future but maintaining these vehicles in the marketplace puts great pressure on technicians to upskill quickly.

Electronic failures represent more than 70% of all dealer repairs and this number is expected to grow. Yet the aftermarket is heavily saturated with other manufacturers and independent repairers competing for your customers’ business. And, while OEMs are experts in their own brands, understanding the wider marketplace is no simple task.

With decades of automotive experience and a global presence in more than 80 countries, MSX can bridge that gap and offer solutions to help improve the accuracy of mechanical diagnoses and technical support.

Provide precision when it matters

MSX has developed technical solutions to improve operational performance by digitalizing the technical support and escalation process.

Using data, technology and industry knowledge, MSX delivers a higher level of technical support and diagnostic accuracy. By digitally enabling these processes, we can improve first-time-fix rates for OEMs and deliver higher customer satisfaction.

We are currently supporting automotive manufacturers in thousands of dealerships around the world with our technical solutions.


projects in place


Markets with multilingual
support teams


Technical cases
handled annually



Optimize your technical support

Traditional business models can be labor intensive. They are not cost effective, nor do they allow OEMs to use the valuable data generated throughout their networks.

MSX can use this data to provide intelligence to OEMs to support more informed decisions about the best way to manage your technical support services.

Our digital solutions help you increase the efficiency of back-office processing. By automating responses of known solutions, you can speed up response times and the accuracy and quality of your technical helpdesk, while significantly reducing operational costs.

Our dynamic rules engine pairs your most complex queries with relevant technical documentation, ensuring technicians receive an accurate and efficient response. We can also introduce natural language processing (NLP), optical character recognition (OCR) and image recognition to further enhance these digital solutions and automate other functions within your technical support process.

Creating intelligent service information 

MSX works with automotive manufacturers to develop clear, user-friendly service, diagnostic or owners’ manuals for dealers. We use OEMs’ engineering data and innovative authoring tools to consolidate information into image-rich documents that can be delivered in different formats or via multiple channels. Technical publications include:

Owner manuals – publications that are sold with the vehicle and used by the owner to understand its components and assist with basic maintenance

Service information
– usually delivered to dealerships and used by technicians. Information can include:

– Diagnostic publications and technical service bulletins which help technicians diagnose problems and carry out repairs
– Labor times which help technicians determine the length of time they should spend on repairs

MSX is working with artificial intelligence (AI) to build smarter, more interactive systems that work with data to meet specific customer needs and seek patterns such as common issues in vehicles. Using AI and machine learning, we can apply specific vehicle information in the right context, creating documents that help technicians diagnose and repair vehicles faster.

MSX delivers industry-leading, flexible service information. Our specialist staff use their content management system and XML expertise, plus leading technologies and efficiency models to deliver a fast and cost-effective service, helping automotive customers eliminate the cost of managing and maintaining a similar service inhouse.

Gain knowledge, skills and technical

Being able to instill confidence in your customers is one of the fundamental ways to ensure a high level of loyalty and retention. At MSX, we are committed to delivering solutions that provide accurate and informed technical support.

Technical Solutions

Technical helpdesk

Our helpdesk support teams operate with well-defined scope, methodology and processes. Driven by technical experts, they provide diagnostic support to technicians throughout the dealer network to help resolve repair issues and parts requests.


Our dedicated pre-approval team handles all requests for repairs and body parts prior to a vehicle service to ensure labor-intensive repairs are only carried out when required. This service aims to improve first-time-fix rates on repairs that are difficult to diagnose.

Pre-diagnostic center

This preventative service is managed by a team of specialists who use data generated from in-car technology to identify service and repair requirements before they become an issue for the customer.

Field support

Our mobile master technicians offer onsite support to resolve complex issues that cannot otherwise be rectified through the technical helpdesk.

Owner manuals

Our specialist staff use OEMs’ engineering data and innovative authoring tools to consolidate information into user-friendly and image-rich publications that are sold with the vehicle and used by the owner to understand its components and assist with basic maintenance.

Service information

Using artificial intelligence and machine learning, we can identify patterns and apply specific vehicle information in the right context, creating documents that help technicians diagnose and repair vehicles faster. They include diagnostic publications, technical service bulletins and labor times.

Improve customer satisfaction

The introduction of digital solutions into a labor-intensive environment offers more than just automation and performance analysis. Our technicians can detect and diagnose issues with greater accuracy. Using a combination of data and repair statistics, they can pinpoint the risk associated with a particular repair and be better prepared.

Our connected technologies can also identify customer interactions over multiple areas of the business. This information can help create a clearer and more accurate picture of the customer and allow you to offer them a tailored service.


autonomous vehicles could be introduced globally by 2030.
(Source: Frost & Sullivan)


of a car’s value is accounted for by vehicle electronics.
(Source: Strategy&)


of global passenger car sales may be battery electric vehicles by 2050.
(Source: LMC Automotive)

MSX’s technical solutions offer:

Faster response times to new problems

Higher customer satisfaction, loyalty and retention

More accurate diagnosis of repairs

Cost efficiencies as a result of reduced back-office processing

Bring your data to life

OEMs are generating huge volumes of data and learning to make sense of it is vital if they want to stay ahead of the competition. But their use of multiple, disconnected systems can make this difficult.

MSX has the skills and expertise to consolidate and analyze this data and provide insight that drives business decisions. These decisions help improve future product development, rectify common issues and improve customer satisfaction.

With MSX’s technology solutions, you can be ready for whatever the future has in store.